Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Be merciful!

Yeah! Finally I've dared to create a blog which I intend to devote not only to my personal matters but to linguistics as well. Be prepared for a hell lot of 'bird-brained' conclusions regarding my 'passion'.

Probably I'm a bit bonkers about doing that (my being a short-lived enthusiast contributed directly to an ignominious failure of blog ventures so far). But I'll try to save the judgements untill I manage to coerce the 'prolific writer', who supposedly has to be somewhere inside of myself, into delivering a severe blow to the recently observed creative blockage.

Well, that's it for today.

Oh, one more thing. I' ll try to write as many as one post every second day. Will I make it?:)

1 comment:

adi said...

i see you haven't managed to fulfill your dreams ;>