Friday, January 19, 2007

Chasing the Dream

It's one of those days when you want to say: 'well I know what my aims are, others have achieved a huge part of them so why not do the same, why not follow their footsteps?'

I've taken part in one of my favourite teacher's doctoral disertation. She took an ambitious attempt at investigating areas of linguistics and neurology as well as speech disorders never researched before (work titled: “FIRST AND SECOND LANGUAGE DYSARTHRIA IN PATIENTS WITH TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AFTER PROLONGED COMA”). Her work takes more that four hundred pages with lots of illustrations, tables and appendices. As the reviewers claim it's written in good and at the same time enjoyable English.

Two reviewers (one from our uni and the second from Israel) highly praised her work at the same point pinpointing many doubful areas.

As far as I got it right she claimed that much more effort is needed in producing correct sounds in both languages in the case of such patients and having conducted several empirical experiments she confirmed her hypothesis. The work has several applications, however events from my personal life prevent me from concentrating too much...

Well, time to get to grips with the material for my two forthcomming exams. Namely Contrastive Grammar and Theory of Literature. The latter being a disastrous nightmare for me.

Excuse my general notice of the dissertation but as soon as I get the opportunity to read at least a part of it you may be more than certain that a more extensive post will be devoted to it.

Have a pleasant and enjoyable weekend:)